Sunday, 7 April 2013

Synchromedia leads the way with PHPMailer

PHPMailer is a programming library for creating and sending email in PHP, and it's probably the most widely-used code for sending email in existence, being the email component used in WordPress, Drupal, CodeIgniter, Yii, PHPList and many other projects. We've been involved with the project since 2003 and became maintainers in 2008. It took a detour to the Apache incubator project on Google code. It wasn't getting much love on there, and the original SourceForge project was languishing, despite still receiving thousands of downloads per week (of old, buggy code!), so we set up a fork on GitHub that's been steadily growing in popularity over the last couple of years. Last week the developers got together and we agreed to make our fork the official, canonical home of the PHPMailer project, and we couldn't be happier. Open source software is a big part of our work, and we like to contribute wherever we can, but it's especially nice to be able to lead a project that's so central to what we do (it's at the core of Smartmessages).

So what happens next? Well, now you have a much nicer venue to report bugs, make a fork, ask for pull requests and all the other wonderful things that GitHub brings. What are you waiting for? Get coding!

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